Marijuana: Miracle Drug or Gateway to Addiction?


The very initial attempt to legalise medical marijuana otherwise known as medical cannabis began during the height of the US Aids epidemic in the 1980s and early 1990s. Young men suffering from the condition, which was a death sentence, turned to marijuana for comfort and respite. A gay Vietnam veteran called Dennis Peron operated an illegal dispensary in San Francisco’s Castro District to supply them. Peron later collaborated on Proposition 215, which California adopted in 1996 and made it the first state to legalise medical marijuana.

There have been numerous discussions about the use and effects of marijuana for many years. The debate over whether marijuana is a wonder drug or a stepping stone to addiction is among the most divisive topics. In order to provide a thorough analysis, we shall examine both sides of this argument in this article utilising recent research and references.

Marijuana: The Miracle Drug

Cannabis may turn out to be the century’s wonder drug. Cancer, persistent pain, anxiety, epilepsy, asthma, insomnia, autism, PTSD, inflammatory bowel disease, and Parkinson’s disease are now included in the long list of ailments that medical marijuana is said to be able to treat or at least help. Many medical professionals and scientists, however, are sceptical.

If you are suffering from any of the above diseases you can consult online with a wv medical marijuana doctor. Marijuana doctors can always better advise on the subject because of their expertise in the field.

Marijuana advocates claim that cannabis has several medical advantages. According to research, marijuana helps ease the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting as well as chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. According to research in the Journal of the American Medical Association, marijuana has fewer adverse effects than conventional painkillers and is an effective treatment for chronic pain. It becomes a safer choice as a result for people who require chronic pain treatment.

Cannabinoids have not undergone thorough clinical trials, despite the fact that it is clear that some patients have had benefits that have changed their lives. This means there is frequently a paucity of research regarding dose and adverse effects, forcing sufferers to rely on trial and error to find what works for them.

A form of human coronavirus known as HCoV-229E may be susceptible to terpenes, a component in cannabis that contributes to the plant’s aroma. This discovery was made more recently.

A cannabis-derived medication named Epidiolex has received approval from both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency to treat epilepsy. Other medications, like Marinol and Syndros, have been authorised for treating nausea and vomiting in HIV/AIDS patients as well as weight loss. Some are employed in the management of cancer’s adverse effects.

Medical marijuana has shown significant results in treating a variety of diseases and health conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, epilepsy, depression, cancer-induced nausea and vomiting. So if you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned diseases, medical marijuana can help. Apply for a medical marijuana card online and get on with your healing journey.

Marijuana: The Gateway Drug

Regular consumption of marijuana can raise the chance of becoming addicted to other substances, such as cocaine and opiates, according to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. According to the study, a person has a higher probability of being addicted the sooner they start smoking marijuana.

Cannabis detractors claim that cannabis can act as a gateway drug to addiction, encouraging users to try more dangerous substances. The claim is that marijuana usage can alter brain chemistry and increase a person’s susceptibility to drug addiction.

Another study found that kids who smoked marijuana had a higher risk of developing a drug use disorder in the future. This study was also published in the Journal of Drug Abuse Treatment. Early intervention and prevention, based on the research, can reduce the chance of addiction.

The Final Note

The argument over whether marijuana is a wonder drug or a stepping stone to addiction is intricate and complex. Both theories have data to back them up, but it’s crucial to remember that different people react to marijuana differently. The advantages of marijuana use for medical reasons may exceed the hazards for some people. However, there may be an increased risk of addiction in people who use marijuana for recreational purposes.

When formulating laws and regulations regarding marijuana use, it is crucial for legislators to take into account both sides of the argument. Efforts at prevention and education can help lower the risk of addiction and offer assistance to individuals who are battling it.