Lips are one of the most basic features that define your face and expressions. Your lips give the ultimate appeal to your face. But, if lips are such an important part of your overall charm then why do you pay such little attention to their care? Without proper care, your lips can become dark and dull. To get a natural pink colour on your lips, it is very important to follow a proper lip care regime regularly. So, here are few effective tips that will help you to make your lips pink naturally.
Beautiful lips are a true symbol of natural beauty on a person. It is such an organ that speaks your heart out defining your facial expressions. Lips bestow a sound appeal to your face and overall personality. In spite of all these realities, many of us ignore to take care of our lips. Just like other body organs lips also need equivalent care and attention.
Imagine, how your face would look if you have naturally soft pink coloured lips with shine and glow instead of dark and deadly lips!! Amazing, isn’t it? So, a regular aid of lips should be a part of your daily work too. Now, the question arises, how to take proper care of lips to turn them into healthy-looking pink lips?? how to make your lips pink Read Below:
Lip massaging
Just like you brush your teeth daily similarly make a regular habit of massaging your lips regularly. The magic of massage helps in decreasing the dark colour of lips that too very speedily. You can see the result within few days only. Massage can be done with your home remedies only; there is no need to spend any amount of money on any massaging cream. You can make a lip gloss or lip balm with the mixture of lemon juice and almond oil and before going to bed massage it daily for few moments.
See more: How To Go Away With Dark Lips Through Gifts Of Nature?
Apply Moisturiser to your lips
Hydration of lips is a very important factor, and this is possible only in case if you apply a good moisturizer daily. Dry and dull lips appear to lifeless so to add life to your lips you can make use of petroleum jelly as it has ample moisture in it especially when you are planning to go out in the hot sun. If you are at home or any indoor place, then you can use cocoa butter as it is a god gift to turn your lips pink.
Lips scrubbing
Do not go for any pricy cosmetics instead look for something natural that can make your lips go pink. One of those ideas is scrubbing your lips before going to sleep with the use of a delicate tooth brush, one which is soft just like your lips. Scrubbing will kick off-dry and rough skin thereby increasing the intensity of softening.
Ignore Lip licking
This is something that most of us are in the habit of, and licking makes your lips worse day by day. It steals away softness, moisture, glow and redness of your lips slowly and gradually. The reason behind licking is dry lips which force our tongue to make them wait again and again. If you want your lips to be pink colour, then leave this bad habit immediately.
Discontinue Smoking
Smoking plays a major role in turning your lips dull and more and darker day by day. Not only is this, but smoking is also no use in any way neither for lips nor health. It kills a person slowly and steadily. Considering your lips and overall body that is affected by smoking like lungs and heart it is better to quit smoking.
See more: Lip piercing.
Use pomegranate seeds with milk cream.
Blend the pomegranate seeds with milk cream and gently apply on lips, this is one of an amazing way to decrease the dark colour of lips. But remember nothing can bring a change immediately because slow and steady wins the race.
Hope all this prove a great help to you or your beloved ones!!