Toronto vs New York

Every country, city, or state has its own character. So is the case in Toronto vs. New York. But settling down at any place for the rest of our life puts us in a position to interrogate them. Both are densely populated cosmopolitan cities of the USA and Canada. Because they are unbeatable in several aspects, there are some factors to be looked upon:

New York City and Toronto are analogous but are two diverse cities. Toronto leaves a mark in the areas such as cost of neighborliness, security-discipline,  housing-shelter, and sanitation, but NYC, on the other hand, excels in mercantile opportunities, fun and leisure, and climatic conditions.”

If we speak of the difference in these both, then it is very minute. Therefore, Anybody facing difficulty in deciding between these two indistinguishable cities can have a look at these sustainable elements:


You must’ve heard about the expenses in Canada, but breaking the myth; the US has been victorious because the levy in Toronto is nothing compared to New York. Where Canadians were heard grumbling about the hard-to-pay rent of housing, i.e., 1 BHK apartment in Toronto costs not less than $2500, talking to new yorkers gave us the eye-breaking idea of housing price in the US, which is almost 28% higher than that of Toronto. Most things in Toronto are cheaper than they would be in the US, such as medical maintenance, greengrocery, consumer items, and housing rent. All in all, expenses in Toronto, Canada, are like a “child’s play” in comparison to New York, USA. So, anybody in search of an affordable city should think of Toronto as an option.

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Another motive for people moving to big cities and towns like Toronto and New York is searching for opportunities that are lacking in their own towns. The two stand out in this aspect. The reason is, that New York City is the top economic center in the whole world. It has a huge geographical and municipal providence and maintains a foremost international financial system. It has led to a GDP ( gross domestic product ) of  $ 1.7 trillion.  It consists of top industries like real estate, trade and commerce, mass media, financial affairs, automobile, telecommunications manufacturing, and wellness programs.

 Toronto is the commercial core of Canada and devotes about 20% to its GDP ( gross domestic product ). Major industries in the city comprise mass-production, media and entertainment, radio and communication, touristry, and mechanics. Over the past few years,  Toronto has been the Silicon Valley of Canada due to the city’s growth of tech-related jobs and startups. 


In today’s time, if we think about moving to another city and settling down, a question always lurks in our minds “ Is it safe? ”. Safety is an equally important concern that comes with housing and employment.

You can easily say that Toronto has left New York behind in this factor. After Copenhagen, Toronto has been rated as the second safest city in the entire globe. It has a well-framed reputation in terms of cyber security, personal safety, configuration, food security, and environmental protection.

On the other hand, I’d be lying if I claimed New York to be unsafe, but in front of the safety of Toronto it’s just  “ a drop in the bucket ”. Visitors are instructed to be cautious all the time, which leaves them with doubtful mindsets.


A matter in question, repeatedly raised by New Yorkers, is the ‘untidiness in the city.’ Cleanliness in cities not only attracts the visitors and contributes to the reputation of the place but also portrays the functioning of the city council, which is certainly discoordinated in New York city. Because the trash bags kept outside the houses take a long time to get disposed of, this does not happen in Toronto, as high taxes also offer facilities. So, garbage being picked up, neat and clean streets, sanitation, and awareness programs also contribute. Though various factors are helpful in detecting the city’s neatness, like the environmental conditions, purity of air, collection of waste, etc. therefore, Toronto seems like a finer choice. Its less population also acts as a component.


With increased population comes crowding in the city, which technically affects the accommodation. Thinking of buying a house and actually buying one are two different things in New York City because the places are small and rates are touching skies. Houses that you buy outside the city center will cost you the same price in both New York City and Toronto. But residency and accommodation in the main city will make you witness a huge difference. Buying a house in Toronto will cost you almost half the rate of a house you buy in NYC.

For example- one BHK apartment in NYC costs around $3,090 – $3,500 while the same thing in Toronto is cheaper, it is around $1,967 – $2,542.

This makes a choice easier so that people with small pockets can opt for Toronto and live a fascinating life there as well.


No matter how much the city, town, or country is beautiful, clean, safe, and affordable, if we’re alone with no family or friends near us, then all that is for nothing. Because a person stressed with work always comes back to his family, social and familial support is necessary. Both Toronto and NYC have good nature citizens and neighborhoods where one can happily live with his family-friends. Child development is also not a problem as schools, universities, amusement parks, theatres, museums, and zoos are there to add to their characteristics. The educational and opportunity exposure is in abundance. But the expenses in New York force some parents to shift somewhere else, while Toronto is comparatively cheaper and has several childcare policies.

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Too much hot weather or too much cold weather is disturbing for us. So, the place where we choose to move/settle should have a suitable climate. Toronto and New York have similar numbers of climates, i.e., four seasons, but their temperatures differ.

Both being parts of North America, the winter season is common to both, but due to snowfall and bitter cold, Toronto is the coldest amongst the both.

Though the temperature difference isn’t much, comfortability matters in the place where we live.


Despite being the biggest financial hubs, both the cities have marvelous taste in media and entertainment. They both are famous for their outstanding nightlife. NYC has various jazz clubs, the best restaurants, sports events, and countless places to visit. People looking for endless adventure should visit New York City. If we compare, then Toronto may not be full of these things but has its own contribution in athletics, nightclubs, and many more. Hands down, New York City is invincible in fun and entertainment.


Lastly, New York City VS Toronto is an endless comparison. Both being the largest cities in the USA and Canada, the two have unquestionable attributes. But New York is a city with a population of over 8 million people in the city itself and an area of 783.8 km sq. Whereas Toronto has a population of over 2 million, which is not so much, and an area of 630.2km sq. Therefore, Toronto is barely a competition to New York, which makes New York a ‘beast’ on its own.