Winter Care Tips to Fix Dry Skin

winter skin care tips

We are halfway through winter, and cold days bring more than just rosy glow cheeks. They also bring excess dryness to the skin of the face, feet, and hands. For some of the people, the issue is even more than a dry feeling; their skin gets so dry and rough that results in cracking and flaking. In winters, humidity is comparatively lower, and when the air gets breezy, it makes skin dry and rough by wicking out moisture. Not only that, but the cold air also strips out natural oils and moisture from the skin. Sounds familiar? Now you must be wondering what to do to get rid of this dry skin. Relax, here is a list of winter care tips you can use to avoid dryness and manage beautifully moisturized skin.

Read – Winter Skin Care Tips for Men

  1. Opt Cream over Lotion 

The best way to fix dry skin and to protect it from cold air is first to heal it and then seal it. That means you should choose a moisturizer that not only encourages healing but also allows the skin to breathe. In winters it is better to choose thick and fragrance-free cream, rather than using lotion.

  1. Reduce Your Shower Time

Do you know hot long showers wicks out the natural moisturizing oil from your skin? Cooling the temperature of the water and shortening the shower timing won’t feel good at that time, but your skin will be thankful to you.

  1. Skip Using Perfumes

Perfumes can create irritation on your skin, and the alcohol content present in it hampers the ability of the skin to manage moisture levels. Hence, in winter, it is better to avoid fragrance as they can cause irritation and leads to drying the skin.

  1. Drink more and more water

Drink more water than you are willing to. Drinking water helps you to replenish the water you lose due to overheated houses and cold weather. Managing the water level also helps you in avoiding dry skin. 

  1. Nourish Your Skin with Oils

Olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil are great for healing dryness. These oils nourish your skin and provide a glowing look in winters.Â