10 Advantages of the Confederation Articles

strengths of the articles of confederation

Strengths of the articles of confederation – After the Second Continental Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation in 1777 and all thirteen states accepted them in 1781, they became the United States’ first constitution. Many people have questioned the strengths of the articles of confederation.

As a result of the Articles of Confederation, the federal government was severely limited in its authority, and the individual states maintained considerable independence. The strengths of the articles of confederation is gigantic amongst people. 

The Continental Congress, as constituted under the Articles of Confederation, was the only legislative body with the power to make decisions on behalf of the states but without the power to put those choices into action.

The Articles also laid out a framework for military alliances between states, a mechanism for exchanging money and coins, and a system for diplomacy with other countries and Indian tribes. The present United States Constitution succeeded the Articles of Confederation in 1787 because, despite its merits, the former were unable to handle the growing economic and political challenges facing the country. Let’s discuss everything you should know about strengths of the articles of confederation.

When it came to the Articles of Confederation, how strong were they?

1. They Permitted One Another to Be Safe from Outside Attacks

Establishing a single administration for the thirteen colonies and allowing for mutual defence against foreign threats were two of the Articles of Confederation’s primary strengths. If you are one of the people who want to know strengths of the articles of confederation then keep reading you are at the right place. 

According to the Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress was the supreme legislative assembly of the states, with the power to make national policy choices and coordinate state responses to international and defence crises.

Because of this, the colonies could unite and show the world a unified face against the oppressors.

Additionally, a system of international military alliances was set up under the Articles of Confederation, which enabled states to assist each other in case of an attack.

This helped make sure that the colonies wouldn’t have to deal with military conflicts on their own. Here you will find some crucial details about strengths of the articles of confederation.

2. Allotted land in the west for colonisation and laid out the process for new states to join the union.

The Articles of Confederation also laid out a plan for colonising the West and admitting additional states to the Union, which was a huge plus.

The Continental Congress was granted jurisdiction to administer and dispose of the expansive western territories by the Articles of Confederation. This gave them the authority to make decisions about the distribution and regulation of these areas.

This was a watershed moment because it paved the way for the expansion of the United States and the formation of additional states. In addition to outlining the procedure for admitting new states, the Articles of Confederation stated that any territory captured by Congress that fulfilled the demographic criteria might petition to join the union as a state.

The peaceful and lawful admission of additional states to the Union was partly made possible by this process. A below listed portion will also describe some crazy strengths of the articles of confederation.

3. The independence of the states was safeguarded, and the power of the federal government was limited.

Protecting state autonomy while restricting federal authority was a fundamental strength of the Articles of Confederation.

In the federalist system laid forth by the Articles of Confederation, the states maintained much of their independence while the federal government had little authority. This attracted many nations because they feared a strong central authority because of their past experiences with British dominance. There are strengths of the articles of confederation that not many people know about. 

Under the Articles, the states could only grant the federal government certain powers, such as the ability to manage foreign policy and the country’s westward expansion.

It was up to the individual states to handle things like taxation and the fair administration of justice. This prevented the federal government from becoming too strong and infringing on the states’ rights.

4. A foundation for the legal conduct of business and trade between the states was established by the Articles of Confederation

Establishing a constitutional foundation for interstate trade and enterprise was the original intent of the Articles of Confederation.

Governments were prohibited from imposing tariffs or other obstacles on goods transferred between nations under the Articles’ system of free commerce. Because of this, economic growth was facilitated since states could benefit from one another’s resources and companies.

A more structured and efficient foreign trade strategy was also made possible by the Articles by giving the Continental Congress the authority to regulate commerce with other countries. As a result, American traders and merchants were better able to compete worldwide. It is one of the most gigantic strengths of the articles of confederation.

Mediating disputes between states over economic and trade issues was also within Congress’s purview. This helped the states deal with problems constitutionally and peacefully.

5. The Articles of Confederation established a framework for diplomatic relations with both foreign countries and indigenous communities.

The Continental Congress was granted the capacity to negotiate with foreign powers, accept ambassadors and other public officials, make alliances and treaties, and conduct the states’ foreign affairs under the Articles of Confederation.

Because of this, the US could present a united front to other powers during diplomatic and business negotiations.

Due to the predominance of Native American nations in the West, the Articles also granted Congress the power to regulate relations with Indian tribes.

As a result, the US now had a structured and official way to negotiate treaties with indigenous communities. This helped guarantee that the United States could live harmoniously with the indigenous communities and prevent conflicts.

6. A system of coinage and money was established for the states to utilise under the Articles of Confederation.

Because each state was using its own currency and was vulnerable to inflation and devaluation, the Articles of Confederation gave the Continental Congress the power to control the value of money.

A standard of weights and measures, the power to issue money and control its value, and the ability to borrow money on the United States’ credit were all granted to Congress.

As a result, companies could conduct transactions more easily and consumers could interchange products and services more easily, all of which helped to economic stability. To further guarantee that the states could rely on a consistent supply of coins, Congress was granted the power to regulate coin ages.

More trade and commerce may occur between states and foreign countries thanks to this reliable and standardised exchange form.

In the long run, the states could trade more easily with one another and other countries when they adopted a monetary system and coinage for their usage. This also helped with economic stability and prosperity.

7. The Continental Congress facilitated communication and collaboration among the states.

A legislative body established by the Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress served as a platform for the states to convene and tackle pressing national concerns.

The Congress was essential in coordinating state activities in areas like commerce, foreign relations, and military affairs, and it also had the power to make decisions on behalf of the states.

Because of this, the states were better able to work together towards national objectives and make choices that benefited the whole nation.

In addition, Congress facilitated interstate communication by creating a platform where states could voice their concerns and exchange relevant data. This helped got the states to talk to each other and understand each other better, which was crucial for solving national problems.

8. Permitted states to resolve conflicts over their borders.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress was given the authority to resolve disputes between states, especially those involving borders. This helped guarantee states could resolve their differences constitutionally and peacefully without violence.

The Congress may resolve any disagreements, and their judgement would be definitive and enforceable. Because of this, the nations could keep the peace and avoid worsening the conflict. This helped the states resolve disputes over property and resources fairly and orderly, which was essential for the growth and development of the country.

9. Gave the way for interstate mail delivery.

A postal service, authorised by the Articles of Confederation, was set up by the Continental Congress to facilitate communication and commerce among the states.

Before the creation of a postal service, it was very difficult and costly to send letters between states because each state had its own postal system.

Establishing a national postal service made it simpler to ship goods and letters over state lines, facilitating the growth of commerce, communication, and business.

The Congress also had the power to regulate the postal service, which made it reliable and efficient. A more united and prosperous country resulted from this easing of cross-state trade, information, and idea flow.

10. A system of mutual defence was established by the Articles.

By pledging to support one another in the case of an attack by an outside force, the states were essentially committing to the principle of mutual defence outlined in the Articles of Confederation. The nations could defend themselves from outside dangers by combining their resources and military might.


To guarantee that states could react quickly to assaults and protect the country, Congress had the power to organise state militias, quell insurgencies, and resist invasions. The United States also maintained a permanent army that could be sent out to protect the nation since Congress had the power to organise and fund armies.

This system of military alliances helped keep nations secure by providing a unified front against outside threats and a way to defend ourselves if attacked. The above-listed portion has explained everything you should know about strengths of the articles of confederation.

In what ways did Confederation benefit?

If the United States and Canada were to form a confederation, it would open up new markets, increase railroad profits, and facilitate immigration to the West. The United States and other countries may be better protected militarily under a confederation.

While considering the Articles of Confederation, what are some of its drawbacks?

As time went on, it became clear that the Articles of Confederation had its flaws; state governments were eager to keep their authority and gave Congress little regard. Without the states’ consent, Congress could not impose taxes, control commerce, or implement foreign policy.