Belly fat, when the excessive fatness accumulates at the waist portion… sounds so scary, isn’t it? Are you the one who also tops in the list of ones with excessive carbs? If yes, you are not alone. With every passing day, changing lifestyle, eating habits and stressed life, the problem of increasing weight, belly fat and, obesity is also increasing continuously. It is a serious health issue that can lead you to something you have never imagined before.

It is pretty sure that you want to get rid of this as soon as possible, but before that, it is essential for you to know how to lose belly fat and what the causes of it. This will help you to at least learn some unknown truths and understand how you can save yourself from such a disastrous disease. The issue of it does not only preclude you from living a healthy life but auspicate troubles like high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, etc.

Here is the answer to your question which has moved your life upside down. Just remember the proverb… Prevention is better than cure, and hence you need to follow them strictly so that you can relish the precious life without any hindrance.


What makes it necessary to know how to lose belly fat?


  1. Excess Eating:

There is a well-known proverb that suits the best here, and that is… The excess of anything is harmful. When it comes to health, one needs to be extra conscious and careful. From a balanced diet to regular exercise, everything is essential. Well, it is good to be a food lover, but if you do not manage your body systematically, then your love towards the food can be dangerous. This can lead to the constant increase of fats and calories in the body, further resulting in the gain of more and more weight and finally turning up to how to lose belly fat. So, avoid eating immodestly. Belly fat starts emerging quickly when you miss on the proper dietary chart and daily physical exercise. The only way to burn off the extra calories in our body is by regular exercising, so if you want to eat what you love and also maintain yourself, then do not forget it. Make it a part of your everyday activity and enjoy your life.

  1. Changes in the hormones:

Though hormonal changes in the body result in various problems in one’s body continuous increase in weight causing surplus belly fat is one of those along with menopause. Menopause is a natural process that every woman undergoes. It results in the least production of sex hormones like estrogen, and this fosters the increase in the abdominal fat which is termed as Belly fat. Another negative impact of Menopause can be seen in the form of fats storing in the body which used to excrete out earlier. This fat increase can be seen in your waist, hips, arms, legs and also the abdominal area. Such hormonal changes are obvious to occur, and it cannot be prevented hence exercising in the form of yoga or morning and evening walk can be a great help to you. So, do your part and leave the rest because of regular exercising at least you will stay healthy at heart.

  1. Tension or Strain:

Today, tension is one thing that every second woman is prone to or rather it should be said that this is something that almost every woman falls in love with. Tension is much more harmful than one’s imagination. Whatever the reason may be behind being stressful, the result is just the same, and that is the increase in weight along with many other uncountable health issues. Very rare for us know this fact that strain can be a reason to gain weight, but the question is how? The increase of tension in mind results in excreting the quantity of the hormone named Cortisol known as hydrocortisone or cortef. This hormone is liable to the additional development and gathering of fat in extremum quantity and that too in the abdominal area. So, tension will take you nowhere rather mislead your health hence be happy, stay chill and kick the stress off your life if you love to look wow.this is one way of how to lose belly fat.


 With the increasing age, the problem of how to lose belly fat also tends to increase. The difference is just that; few people struggle with excess weight issues right from the beginning were in other few starts putting on weight in their thirties, and then it gradually keeps increasing with the passing age. This goes for both, men and women. One needs to understand that with age changing phase one also needs to change food habits, exercising, sleeping time and many more. Eating late hours and then sleeping later than was fine when you were in your youth age, but now when you can see side effects like belly fat and causes of belly fat impacting your health, everything needs to be done on time and systematically. So, aging is also one of the main causes of belly fat.

  1. Sugar Consumption:

Are you taking lots of sugar in your daily diet? Yes… then this is also one of the reasons of having belly fat. Consuming eatables that are rich in sugar also enhances the production of insulin in your body which further accelerates your craving for more food increasing hunger and also the development of visceral belly fat too. Please keep a safe distance from sugared soft drinks, desserts or candies. To add on, apart from belly fat all this will also boost your overall sugar level and gift you the disease named Diabetes. So, one precaution can save from several future problems. The choice is all yours.

  1. Consuming surplus salt:

Like sugar… consumption of excess salt in your diet also results in belly fat and then you have to reduce this belly fat. Though salt plays an essential role in maintaining the overall development of the body but the surplus of this can lead to several health issues. The excessive usage of salt happens to shift water into the skin from your bloodstream. So, sincerely ignore adding surplus salt to your body by saying no to the canned foods, cottage cheese, various dairy products, over salads, etc. You will be shocked to know that as per the scientific research, there is about 90 percent of people who consume more salt than the one advised for the body. At least you don’t be the one and let’s start with you today!this is another way how to lose belly fat.

  1. Performing an incorrect workout:

Do as you advised to! If you perform an exercise that is not meant for reducing calories or burning fat rather it is something else, you will end up getting zero results when the examination is about how to reduce belly fat. In fact, at times a few exercises work adversely. For example, the exercise suggested for the heart would never work to reduce belly fat. Prefer doing muscle work out because muscles can exhaust additional calories in comparison to fat.

  1. Inactive lifestyle:

Now, this is the main cause of health issue like belly fat… Inactive lifestyle, which means where the person is not at all an active worker, he performs very less or nothing at all, when it comes to physical exercise which needs lots of effort and energy. A few examples could be like: sitting on the chair and then working, too much computer addicted work etc. Even if you have any such job profile, it becomes very important to involve yourself in the work where physical effort is required. All in all, go for an active lifestyle which will help you in burning extra calories and fats. this is the best way to know, how to lose belly fat

  1. The Scarcity of Magnesium:

Magnesium is an important element of the body that maintains complete metabolism. As per the scientific report, our body urges for magnesium surplus than about three hundred chemical reactions. This nutrient also efficiently manages the stable heartbeat and maintains appropriate blood sugar levels which further helps to maintain the overall development of the body by maintaining the weight and shape of the body. If there is a scarcity of this nutrient in the body, it will adversely impact the body weight and shape both and result in becoming the cause of belly fat.

  1. Very less sleep:

Scientifically, eight to nine hours of sleep is considered to be mandatory for maintaining a healthy body. If a body does not get the required, it makes you irritated thereby increasing the level of stress hormone named Cortisol and also boosts your urge for sugary foods. This in all, results in the cause of belly fat and then the question arises that how to lose belly fat. So to keep everything under control or in a balanced form, make sure you take ample sleep so that your body gets sufficient rest and the internal system does not act weird.

Include following in your dietary chart shows how to lose belly fat:


  • Sleep on time and take ample sleep of about eight to nine hours as recommended by the doctors. Sound sleep will give you a stress-free life. Also, you can add Holy Basil to your dietary chart because it is an adaptogen herb which not only tastes nice but effectively cuts down the production of stress generating hormones.
  • As per the research, it has been proved that one of the belly fat should eat those food items that contain zinc in it so that it restrains the production of cortisol hormone. Non-vegetarians can go for beef and seafood such as oysters, and strict vegetarians can prefer spinach, pumpkin seeds, cashews, beans, etc.
  • Consume more of such fruits that are highly rich in Vitamin C like lemonade drinks, kiwis, oranges etc. This also reduces cortisol production immediately. Add spinach to your daily diet chart as it is highly rich in magnesium and worlds for the same cause.
  • Dark chocolate also works wonders regarding stopping the output of cortisol in the body, so one who is crazy for dark chocolates gets the advantage here. Reduce the belly fat with something you love.

Eat healthily and stay healthy. So, the secret to reduce belly fat also lies within you because the more effort you do, the more fit you will be. Understanding every cause of belly fat, make a point not to add any of them to your life instead follow the above given dietary chart sincerely in your daily life and enjoy a fit and healthy body. Make a point to exercise daily like regular walks, doing specific belly fat reducing yoga; few sit-ups, etc. which initiates muscular work out more and more. A healthy body also enjoys improved metabolism and gets the power to fight against other harmful diseases. You are sure to get great help from all of these.

How to reduce weight within 4 weeks:- Dietary Plan Chart To Reduce Weight In Just 4 Weeks