How to Make Your Own Rose Water Spritz From Your Days Old Bouquet


No matter the occasion, receiving or buying a bouquet of flowers can bring a smile to your face. Not only do you have beautiful smelling roses, but you’ll also have a lovely centerpiece for any table in your home. However, once they start to wilt, there isn’t much more you can do with them – or is there? Use this guide to repurpose roses into some excellent rose water!

Why Rose Water?

Rosewater has multiple different skin benefits but typically helps reduce skin irritation. It can help reduce the appearance of eczema, rosacea, and general redness. Rosewater has numerous antiseptic properties and has been used in the past to treat ocular diseases like conjunctivitis. There is also some compelling evidence that suggests rose water can ward off infection.

After you purchase a bouquet from retailers such as Bouq online flowers, you won’t have to throw out these wilted beauties. Creating rose water is easy, fun, and leaves your skin, hair, and home smelling fresh for days to come.


We discussed how rose water is good for the skin because it reduces redness, but this tonic gives several other benefits to the skin.

  • It can be used as a toner after you’ve cleaned your face
  • It helps remove waterproof makeup
  • Fades dark spots from your skin and face
  • Removes bacteria from the skin and reduces breakouts
  • Release insect bites and sunburns
  • Treats damaged hair if you add Vitamin E and Jojoba Oil to the mix

If you’re using rose water as a toner, you can also use it as a makeup base if you add a few more ingredients. After adding rose water to half of the bottle, finish off the tonic with Witch Hazel. Add a few drops of Yarrow Pom, Copaiba, Lavender, and Frankincense to freshen your skin. Just know that this concoction won’t smell as good as straight rose water.

How to Make Your Own Rose Water

Creating rose water is really easy and requires few materials. It’s better to use organic roses because they’re less likely to be contaminated with pesticides, which are terrible for the skin and hair. If organic roses aren’t available to you, wash them thoroughly with soap, hot water, and use a strainer multiple times to ensure the roses are completely clean.


  1. Remove the rose petals from the stem carefully. Be sure not to rip or tear the petals in half because you may lose some of the water’s potency.
  2. Separate the petals from each other. Throw them up in the air, if you like!
  3. Find a large, deep strainer and place the petals underneath lukewarm water. Use your hands to swash the petals around until they’re clean.
  4. Place the washed petals in a large pot and top with enough water to just cover it. 
  5. Bring the pot to a simmer, then cover it and warm over medium heat.
  6. Simmer for 20-30 minutes or until the water is a pale pink/red.
  7. Strain the rose water into a beaker.
  8. Funnel the rose water into a spritz bottle.
  9. You’re finished! If you want to keep the mixture for a long time, you can place these spritz bottles into a fridge for up to 6 months.

Hair Treatment

Want to use your rose water as a hair treatment? Take 1 cup of rose water and add a capsule of Vitamin E with a few drops of Jojoba oil. Massage into the scalp and through the hair.


It’s hard to part with your beautiful smelling roses, but before they start to wilt too much, you can turn those precious petals into a skin and hair treatment! Rosewater only takes 30 minutes to prepare, and you can save a ton of money on face toners and hair masks in the process!