Question: Do You Consider Yourself a Trendsetter or Follower?


When it comes to embarking on your fashion journey there are two paths that you can opt for, that of a fashion trendsetter or that of a fashion follower. While the former refers to those who influence the masses, the latter refers to those who are influenced. Kim Kardashian is a perfect example of this. While the reality star turned entrepreneur favored bodycon dresses in the early 2000s, it’s her current love of latex that has consumers in a chokehold, causing many fast fashion retailers to attempt to recreate her looks for less.

Trendsetters stay ahead of the game and while they may look at what fashion houses are producing as a source of inspiration, they embody their own unique style that followers attempt to replicate. Hailey Bieber truly embodies this, carving out her own signature look consisting of some type of oversized jacket, shorts, vintage sunglasses and loafers. Her status as a fashion trendsetter is undeniable with  ‘Hailey Bieber style’ reaching over 41 million hits on Google.

The truth is, there’s absolutely nothing wrong if you’re one or the other. Although it’s good to know which category you fall into, to have a clearer idea of what you’re searching for when on your next shopping spree. And while we’re on the topic, you best make sure you’ve put aside a chunk of money, especially if you’re planning on investing in a few wardrobe essentials to last a few seasons.

But, in case you forgot to factor in this additional expense (*cough* *cough* …we mean treat!), it might be worth your while to look into ways of making extra money – if time permits you to do so. However, if the thought of having a side hustle stresses you out, you should consider signing up with an online casino offering cashable no deposit bonus codes – you may even be able to ditch the high street brands for a couple of designer ones!

Find Your Style

Fashion is not just about clothing, it’s a form of self-expression that allows you to showcase your true personality to the world. Discovering your own personal style can help build up your confidence and allow you to present yourself in the most authentic way. As such it should be treated as an essential part of your self-discovery journey and while it may take some time, know that it will be worth it in the end.

The first step to finding your own sense of style is to conduct your own research and take note of any inspiration that you may come across, this can be from magazine sites such as Vogue, blogs or even people. Scroll through social media and observe how your friends or even celebrities you follow are dressing. Save images that resonate with you and create a mood board, this will help you identify a common thread.

Go through your current wardrobe and try on outfits to determine what you feel good about and why. Maybe it’s a specific style of jacket or a particular cut of denim, lean into what excites and interests you. Next, it’s time to experiment which yes can be a daunting and somewhat laborious task however it’s important to determine what you like and see what works for you. Don’t be afraid to try on a dress that you’ve always liked but wear too afraid to wear, use this window to push your boundaries and test your fashion limits.

Filter Out The Noise

Whether you are a trendsetter or a follower, just remember to dress for yourself not for anyone else. Unfortunately, we can all fall down the rabbit hole of trying to emulate a style that just isn’t authentic to ourselves. As such, it’s important to stay true to who you are and hone in on your individuality.

Fashion should be fun and while you may go through moments where you might not be feeling the most confident or inspired, don’t forget to just enjoy the process and play around with what looks and feels good.