Steps to choosing your wedding theme and design

Wedding background with checklist. Paper planner and craft envelopes on white wooden table with lots of tender bridal stuff, top view

White, winter, nautical, rustic wedding; you must have heard and come across an array of themes where weddings are a concern, and with so much to do during the planning phase, it’s only natural that you will feel overwhelmed with some decisions. Even after looking at magazines and searching online for inspiration, you might still be missing that oomph you need to be inspired by a specific theme. These tips will get you out of your misery and help you choose a theme you will love and stick to.

  1. Look for unique inspiration

Most brides tend to look for inspiration through magazines, searching, online, or looking at friends whose wedding they loved. However, there other ways to get inspired and have your creative juices running. For instance, pinpoint styles and designs others have created in a film, graphic art, or interior design you loved. It can also be something as simple as your favorite hotel, retail store, or scenes from your furniture stores, wallpaper designs, and linen catalogs.

  1. Eliminate what doesn’t fit into the big picture

Elimination is always the hardest part of the process. This is your big day, so it’s only natural that you want to include everything you have ever dreamed of. To make it easier, consider the wedding venue and use it as an inspiration. You want a space that will accommodate all your guests, but one that will be perfect for your theme. A rustic move may not fit in a ballroom setting, but a light, airy, and million-dollar bay views may compensate for it. Be flexible and work with the resources you have, that is, napkins, chairs, and venue size versus your guest list. Add elements and layers to these basics, and you will naturally eliminate what won’t fit.

  1. Priority, priority, priority

The venue is typically the most significant decision, but there are other intricate decisions you must make before settling on a color. For instance, if you’ve always dreamed of having a wedding full of purple dendrobium orchids, start with them and work your way from there instead of starting with the main color and working the orchids in later. It’s heartbreaking to choose a color only to find you can’t have your must-have because it doesn’t go well with the themes. You want your grandmother’s tablecloth to stand out instead of being swallowed by the design.

  1. Set the mood

The mood for your wedding plays a significant role in determining your theme. If you want a lot of drama, for instance, emerald, ruby red, black, and gold might be the best choice for you. If you want something more relaxing or nostalgic, you need to choose hues that embody your taste.

There’s nobetter wedding than one that embodies you and your spouse-to-be fully. Stay true to your taste and character when choosing. It’s your day, and you should see yourselves in every detail. Your theme will dictate your decorations, linen, cutlery, and much more. Don’t be in a rush to choose. When you are patient, you will pick something you will love and stick to.