The Bed Breakdown: How to Optimise Your Bedroom For Sleep

good sleep

Sleep has the power to significantly impact every part of our lives, both physical and mental. It can make us less productive, unhappy, susceptible to weight gain and even put us in a position where our immune system is compromised. Beyond these urgent matters, sleep is also an enjoyable part of the day to climb into bed and put our priorities one pause as we have deep rest. Unfortunately, not enough of us are having the quality of sleep we require, and our bedroom has more to do with this phenomenon than you would think. If you’re tired of being tired and want to get more from your days with some extra energy onboard, follow this guide to optimising your bedroom for sleep.

Lighting is key

Morning and afternoon light is beautiful, but not if it is impeding on your quality of sleep. Street lights, sensor lighting and other lights around your home are all sleep detractors and are probably one of the easiest factors to correct. The right bedroom blinds & curtains can actually filter or block altogether the light that manages to slip through. While you are taking a closer look at your lighting, why not consider a more opaque bulb so that you can achieve a muted light in your room instead of a fluorescent one. You might also want to find some lamps that have ambient lighting so that when you settle in for the night your lighting is easing you into sleep the right way.

Screen-free zone

Yes, you read that correctly. We are suggesting that your bedroom be a screen-free zone, for the sake of your sleep and giving yourself a chance to truly switch off. Screens include television, laptops, tablets, and of course – mobile phones! Leave screen time for your living areas, and only bring a book and a tea in with you to your bedroom at night. No matter how tired you are, when our eyes interact with the blue light we are immediately more alert and awake to what is in front of us. That might have its advantages on your Monday morning commute to work – but it’s going to put sleep off for even longer. It’s not like we don’t have enough screen time during the day, so set your alarm and then put your phone face down on the nightstand as you climb into bed. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Create a comfortable space

Do you like your pillows, or are you merely making do with them? What about your mattress and manchester you sleep on? If you are like the majority of the population, you probably haven’t spent that much time investing in a comfortable bedroom that is going to coax you into a restful state. It’s not only the bed that needs to be assessed but the entire room, as a room that is too cluttered or messy might have the effect of making you stressed or at least distracted. A good rule of thumb is ‘less is more’, so get brutal with your surroundings and if these belongings don’t encourage a good nights sleep or perpetuate an environment of rest – rehome them to another room in the house.

Another aspect of your comfort you can control is the scent of your bedroom, so consider bringing a pleasant scent into your room that will come to be associated with sleep. Many people spray lavender on their pillows to aid sleep and clean breathing, and others burn eucalyptus and other essential oils. Experiment with a few scents and oils and see if this helps.

Wrestling with sleep is such an uncomfortable place to be, especially if you are going through these motions every night. Take control of the situation and start optimising your bedroom for sleep so that you can enjoy your days and nights.