Importance Of Toner In Men’s Grooming Regime

benefits of skin toner for men

This post is based on the benefits of skin toner for men, how to use skin toner and what are the effects of skin toner for men.

Every beautiful face and a smart look has a secret behind! This unveiled secret is nothing but the right usage of grooming products at the right time and in the right manner. Today, the cosmetic world has bestowed you with numberless products which not only enhances your beauty but are very essential for the healthy looking skin. Each product has its importance, and for perfect grooming, it is important for you to understand what to use and when. It might be that you are doing your best but still lacking something. One such grooming product that most of the guys are missing is the use of ‘Toner’. Here in this article; you will know every bit and byte about the toner and its grandness. Let’s begin with:


Do you feel something missing while taking care of your skin or are you not able to understand the reason behind your incomplete look? Well… give a pause to your interrogative mind because we have the answer to all your questions. Yes, it is the need of ‘Toner’ that your skincare regimen has been calling out, but you are just not able to hear. Before we begin with, first understand what a Toner is. A toner is that missing thing which will give your skincare mission a complete success. Though your dressing wardrobe is plentiful of many sorts of lotions, creams, serums, masks, face wash and potions but the only missing link is Toner. One of the reasons behind your unaware attitude about toner could be that lot many guys are not aware of the magic that toner can create for their complexion. Personating as a light lotion, toners are available in the market in the form of toning pads and spritz. Whichever form it comes in; the purpose of toner is to tend your skin in one or a lot many ways, like:

  • Toner polishes your skin tone and freshens up your complexion.
  • It abridges the size of the pores thereby making them normal and invisible.
  • Toner assists in controlling breakouts and then gradually getting rid of them with regular usage.
  • It does not let the pores getting choked off with grunge and dirt which further prevents causing blackheads too.
  • It helps you to get rid of excess oil that causes unnecessary shine.
  • Toner also lends comfort after shaving thereby preventing infliction.



To make the right use of Toner, it is important that one must know when to use it. Its incorrect usage will neither benefit you nor will justify its importance. The skincare regime involves three basic steps, and they are Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing. The first and foremost step is to clean your skin with the help of the regular face wash that you use. Then rinse off your face properly and pat dry your skin with the help of a gentle towel. Next step is to apply the Toner. Now you must be thinking how to apply it? Well, you might need a toner pad or a cotton ball to apply the toner. It depends on what type of toner you are applying. When you find that the toner has dried, then apply the moisturizer and give the finishing touch to your skincare mission.


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But that’s not it! There are many other benefits too for which toner can be used. If you are struggling with the greasy or oily face of yours, then here is the time to get rid of it. Apply the toner as per your complexion and feel free from this irritating problem. Toner can control the secretion of oil from your skin and further helps in precluding breakouts. Similarly, toner also works superbly on the skin which has been the victim of dryness and external assailers. A freshening toner spritz is a right choice to put a new life to the lusterless skin. For such sort of neatening quandaries; toner pads or toner sprays are just the perfect options to add five-star reviews to your one go touch-up.

Another most amazing benefit of the toner is it’s after shaving benefits like cooling off the irritation caused after shaving, minimizing redness and snug the pores once the razor work has been finished. Hope all this makes very clear that why the usage of toner is important regarding benefitting your complexion. All in all, using a toner is as important as using the other grooming products and so make it a routine to add toner to your skin.


For Oily Skin: All the ones with the oily skin also have a usual complaint. The ailment is about the oleaginous (oily) appearance due to the excretion of excess oil within your skin which further causes acne-like breakouts. Isn’t it?? Well, there is nothing much to worry about because the solution is simple and quick. As mentioned above; toner helps to restore the natural balance to your skin when you have combination skin – similarly it works in the same way on the oily skin too and cures the oily skin issues very effectively.

Oily skin is prone to expel sebum in a good quantity which results in your skin to be extra shiny cum sebaceous for the whole day. Here is the point from where the problem begins and thereby leading to many more issues. This sebum chokes off your expanded pores and in return becomes the cause of daily breakouts. In such a condition, using a toner as a routine activity will be a great assistance. It will keep the skin clean, purified and oil-free by controlling the production of excess sebum by your skin. Also, it will minimize the size of pores and restrict the appearance of blemishes too.

Make sure that you use a qualitative and branded toner only. It is the excellence of a qualitative toner only that keeps the natural moisture within your skin safe even after removing excess oiliness, spots and marks. So, prefer quality over the quantity.

As an alternative, you can even use oil control toning pads (For an example: Anthony Logistic Astringent Oil Control Toner Pads) to handle abashing greasiness.

For Sensitive/ Dry Skin: Dry skin demands hydration especially during the winter season to avoid tenderness and discomfort. Honestly, the normal toner is not sufficient enough to aid dry skin, so if you are the one with the dry skin, you will need a high-quality toner. Follow the three initial grooming steps: Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing to have a tranquillizing and lightening impact over your skin. The high-quality toner will work in aiding the hidden skin cells replenishment and help in convalescing dryness speedily, and the qualitative moisturizer will assist your skin in regaining the hydration back.

For Combination Skin: Those with the combination skin; face a common problem, and that is their struggle to manage the looks of the dry areas along with treating breakouts found on the T-portions (like nose, forehead and chin). One of the solutions to this is to apply the mixture of a mattifying moisturizer and general moisturizer (which you use normally). But mind you that this option is less effectual and more expensive in comparison to the use of a good toner. So, the best idea would be to take a branded toner and apply it on the spots and blemishes. This will minimize the problem of breakouts that you have been facing frequently. Moreover, later you can apply little moisturizer as well to prevent dryness. A toner justifies the term ‘restoring balance’ which means that the normal skin look is resumed after the regular usage of toner. Also, it also furbishes up the natural look and balance of the combination skin thereby kicking off all the sort of irregularities harming the skin and your overall look.



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The irritation caused by shaving is quite normal. Though using an aftershave lotion has always been the most common alternative but using toner instead, will not only heal the irritation caused but will also freshen up your skin by adding smoothness and softness to it. Moreover, you will be surprised to know that there are toners which you can use pre-shaving as well and they work amazingly. One such pre-shaving toner is Clinique Scrubbing Lotion which needs to be applied before shaving. After applied, it will tighten the skin and raise your shaving hair straight thereby allowing the razor to smoothly clear of the hair without any rigidity. Highlight a point that not all the toners work as pre-shaving toners so always check and confirm the use. You are sure to experience a far convenient shaving which you have never thought of before.

The conclusion says that Men’s grooming is just not complete without the toner. It is a mandatory part too. Here we have spotlit all the pros and cons of using a Toner so that you can make the right and best use of it. Hope all this proves to be a great help to you. Your ideas, questions and tips are most welcome so please do share.
