How to choose the best dental implant specialist? The Guide To Choose The Best Dental Implant Specialist

How to choose the best dental implant specialist


when it comes to your teeth and its care, it is important to find the right doctor. Replacing teeth and getting the best dental implants to require an expert dental implant specialist to do the job. There is a wide range of options available when it comes to surgical implants. Even general dentists, oral surgeons provide implant service but they do not have the same level of experience and training as a dental implant specialist. Follow these tips to find the right place to get your dental implants.

What to Look For In A Dental Implant Specialist:-

The first and most important thing is to check if they are certified by the ADA to perform dental implant procedures.  The other points to take care of are:-

  • Experience- a general dentist and Periodontist who have done the training for dental implants will not get to perform implant procedures as often. A What to Look For In A Dental Implant Specialistdental implant dentist or specialist has more understanding of the procedure and gets to perform this almost every day. They are more experienced than regular dentists.
  • Ask about the training- you should ask your dentist or specialist about their training. Oral surgeon and Periodontists both receive advanced training for dental implant placement in their education curriculum. A general dentist can also choose to take advance training in implants placement. To ensure safe and efficient procedure you need to ensure that the doctor has completed the required training to get the best possible results.


  • Check reviews– other people’s reviews are the best way to judge and consider dental implants specialist. You can check online reviews from patients. If possible you can go and meet the patient who got dental implants done.


  • Check the before and after images– many doctors keep the before and after an image of their patient’s dental implant procedure. This helps to check the doctor’s past work. This will give you an idea of what you can expect in your dental implant procedure.

Why You Should Choose A Dental Specialist Over A General Dentist?

It is essential to choose a specialist when it comes to getting dental implant procedures done. A specialist undergoes special training to provide better results on dental implant procedures with top-notch care. This will make the overall experience so much better for you.

  • Lower risk of complications– this is a good reason to choose dental implant specialists over a general dentist. The more experienced and knowledgeable a dental professional is the lesser the complications there will be. Dental implants are a big lifestyle decision. A general dentist may cost less in your pocket but that also means less training than a specialist.
  • High-quality aesthetics- a specialist has better quality professioWhy You Should Choose A Dental Specialist Over A General Dentistnal equipment and advanced technology. This means your teeth and gums will look more aesthetically pleasing and natural.
  • Better gum disease management- a specialist has expertise when it comes to gum disease treatment. They know how to treat specific gum disease and infections.

 Questions to Ask:-

When you are in search of the best dental specialist it is always a good idea to ask a few questions and clear your doubts beforehand.

    1. What are the working hours of the clinic? Check if they match with your availability.
    2. Is the specialist office within your reach?
    3. Where did he/she complete his schooling/training from?
    4. What are the emergency services provided by them?


  1. How much will their service cost? Is it feasible for your pocket?
  2. Does the specialist participate in your personal health plan?
  3. Does he/she explain procedures and treatment well?
  4. Do they have high quality and updated technology?
  5. How much experience do they have?
  6. What is the success rate of their procedures?
  7. What is the risk associated with the treatment option recommended?
  8. Can you show some before and after pictures of earlier patients?
  9. How long will the entire dental implant procedure take overall?

Cost Of An Experienced Dental Implant Specialist

on average one dental implant procedure can cost you somewhere between

Cost Of An Experienced Dental Implant Specialist$3,500 and $6,700. Multiply this cost with the number of teeth you need dental implants for in total.

Other factors like X-rays, preoperative procedures, bone grafts can add additional costs up to $3000. The main reason behind this high cost for the procedure is that will be required to take multiple visits at the specialist office for different procedures. As many visits as much this will cost in your pocket. Your medical insurance will not cover everything and sometimes nothing at all. You can get yourself a dental savings plan which starts for as low as $79 and you will be able to save up to 60% on your dental implant procedures. Dental tourism is also becoming very popular lately. This involves going abroad to get your dental implants.

How To Find A Dental Implant Specialist Near You?

how to find a specialist dentist near me? Which is the highest rated dentist near me? Are these questions constantly running in your head? There are a number of ways to find the best Dental specialist near your place.

  •  Ask Friends and Relatives-Hearing about your friends and relatives the first-hand experience with the dental specialist will prove very helpful to find the best professional for you. There might be a few dental implant dentists available in your area and you can easily get the ins and outs of their work quality. You can ask your friends and relatives about the list of questions mentioned above.How To Find A Dental Implant Specialist Near You
  • Meet the specialist– after you have inquired about the available dental specialist in your area go and meet them and their staff before scheduling the appointment for your procedure. You will get a great opportunity to ask the questions and clear your doubts. You can take advantage of this opportunity to ask about the technology they use and the state of the office. See if the patients are happy and the staff’s behavior.
  • Reviews- if you have no friend or family member with dental implant history you can check previous patient’s replies online. You will find both good and bad replies. If there are too many bad or good reviews it should raise an alarm in your head straight away. But if there are more good reviews and just a few negative ones then you can definitely go and meet this dental specialist.