Look For Some Staggering & Simplest Skin Lightening Home Remedies

fast skin whitening tips

Most of the people think that fair complexion is the only way to look good, but that is not true. All you need to look beautiful is healthy and glowing skin. A healthy skin is a combination of shine, grace, no marks, no acne, no blackheads, hydrated, and, most important, a beautiful smile on the face. For such beautiful skin, using masks and creams is not sufficient. Now you must be thinking how to lighten naturally? All you need is a healthy diet and some proper glowing skin secrets and fast skin whitening tips. We have got you a list of skin lightening home remedies in order to help you in managing a beautiful and glowing skin.

We bring you some of the useful glowing skin secrets and fast skin whitening tips in the form of facial masks that can be easily prepared at home without any inconvenience. These will not only lighten and whiten your body skin but will also save you from the hassle of parlors, where you need to book prior appointments, wait for your turn, pull out the time of your hectic schedule and then waste a good amount over it. Above all, in the end, those cosmetic treatments taken by you at the parlor will also lead to many side effects later which will have no cure. So, why to call for a situation where you have to sit and cry? Be beauty conscious, but through natural means and lighten skin naturally. All that is needed is: your little time, slight efforts and patience and you can enjoy the grace of your natural beauty for the time undefined. Now you must be looking for skin whitening tips at home or skin lightening home remedies. Here is a list of glowing skin secrets with skin whitening tips at home to whiten body skin and lighten skin naturally.

Home-made Remedies for Skin Lightening:

Here are few fast skin whitening tips at home with simple facial masks that will serve as an effective treatment for skin lightening at your home and will assist you with many other advantages too:



This is our first and foremost choice and one of the efficacious skin lightening home remedies when it comes to lighten and whiten the body skin with the help of skin whitening tips at home. A rich paste made by mixing dried orange peels and yogurt! Its soothing fragrance freshens up the senses and gives you a look like diva. In order to dry the orange peels properly, with no moisture at all, the best way is to dry them under the sun till the peels turn crispy and crunchy so that a fine powder can be made by grinding them. The process to make this paste includes of simple steps:

Steps to follow-

As soon as the peels of orange dry up, grind them into the mixer till we attain a fine powder. Now take a small bowl and make a paste by combining one tablespoon of orange powder and one tablespoon of fresh yogurt without flavor. Apply this mixture where you wish to get a clean, lighten and whiten skin for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. In the mean time, it will dry up and then can be washed with normal water.


All your skin flaws and marks will lighten and whiten soon with this amazing home remedy. Even those are fed up of blackheads, can do massage in rotary motion with this paste. You will see the impact soon which will compel you to say ‘wow’.



The skin whitening tip at home that stands second on the list of skin lightening treatment is the paste made by awesome threesome and they are: Tomato, Yogurt and Oatmeal. You can easily imagine as to what a fantastic paste it will come out to be with the mixture of these three. The juice of tomato is a superb astringent and has the quality of lightening and whitening the skin quickly. Oatmeal is used for the process of exfoliation and is a natural agent of it. Thus it helps to alleviate the dead skin cells thereby giving a younger look. Yogurt has modest bleaching impact and facilitates in keeping the skin hydrated and lithesome thereby preventing the occurrence of blemishes.

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Steps to follow-

Take a small bowl and add one teaspoon of each of the three: Juice of tomato, yogurt and oatmeal. Mix them well till it turns up to be a fine paste and then immediately apply on your cleaned skin (whether face or anywhere else) for a time period of 15 to 20 minutes. As soon as the time is up, you can wash the pack with the cold water and the result will be a flawless bright skin.


All in all, these three thrilling ingredients are skilled in their task of lightening the skin effectively and also in extirpating sun tan. Your skin will be conferred with radiance followed by softness and healthiness. We can call this as an ‘All in one face pack’.



Here again comes another skin whitening remedy at home or skin lightening home remedy with a compounding of three thrilling ingredients and they are: Fresh Milk, freshly squeezed lemon juice and golden honey. Milk is known for its moisturizing property and lemon juice will help in clearing off the marks and spots. Honey will add shine to your skin. All that needs to be done is to make a beauty enhancer paste out of these.

Steps to follow-

Place a small bowl on the kitchen counter and add one teaspoon of each of them in it: fresh milk or if this is not available you can use milk powder, lemon juice and honey. Make a smooth paste by merging them well and it is ready for use. Apply it over the cleansed skin of your face or any other skin part which you want to lighten for a time period of 15 to 20 minutes and then clean it off with normal water. It will help you to whiten the body skin naturally.


This will not only help in skin lightening but make your skin much softer. It is a brilliant idea to get skin facial with less time and least investment. If knocked the door of parlor for such a facial grace, you are sure to lose your pocket heavily and that too with the cosmetic treatments which definitely have some or the other side effects sooner or later.



Potato is robust in B-vitamins, potassium and Vitamin C and thus serves to be an excellent skin whitening tip at home for skin lightening and to whiten the body skin in an effective manner. It nurtures the skin deeply and safeguards it from getting dry. Here is the way to make use of potato:

Steps to follow-

You can either pull out the potato juice or cut the slices of potato for this facial. If you are applying the potato pulp of juice, then mask your tanned skin with a thin layer of its juice. In the case of potato slices, rub or gently massage the potato slice on the tanned skin of your face or other body place and leave it as it is for about 15 to 20 minutes. The time period remains the same irrespective of whichever form of potato you choose. Once the time is up, rinse it off with normal water. You can do Potato facial twice in a day for quick results.

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This facial mask will also help you a lot to overcome the skin related pigmentation and discoloration. Also, if you are struggling with pimples or acne, potato is the best option for you to get rid of them. You can kick away the dark circles under your eyes with its help.



Lemon is blessed with many healing and beautifying properties. Whether consumed as a drink or applied over the skin, it works wondrously and so is the case when it comes to select it as a skin whitening tip at home for skin lightening and whitening. Since ages, lemon is known for its miraculous properties.

Steps to follow-

All you need to do is to pour freshly squashed lemon juice into a bowl and apply it on the impacted area. You can dip a cotton ball into the bowl of lemon juice and then gently apply over the particular area where you want the skin to lighten and all the other marks and spots to disappear. Leave the solution for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with the normal tap water.


Avoid going out in the sun for five to seven hours after this treatment else you might have to face redness or irritation because lemon is known as the natural bleaching agent. In case if you have to rush due to some urgent work, the first thing you need to do is to apply a branded sunscreen which safeguards you from harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. Also carry umbrella and scarf with you.



How can you forget lemon and orange when your target is skin lightening? Both of them are a rich source of Vitamin C and hence are well known for their acidic properties. Their bleaching quality helps in lightening the skin tone very effectively. Lemon known for antioxidants, have always proved useful for the skin complexion treatment. You can use the rind (outer surface or peel) of any of the two.

Steps to follow-

As a skin lightening remedy, you will need two ingredients ready: Rind of lemon or orange (whichever you wish) and raw milk. Dry the peel of any one in the sun so well that no moisture is left in it. Then grind them and make a smooth powder. Now take a bowl and mix one tablespoon of that powder with two tablespoons of raw milk in such a way that it becomes a fine paste. The quantity can be altered according to the area to be applied. Apply this paste over the tanned skin for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. After washing, instantly apply a cool toner.


This will not only lighten your skin but improve the complete texture of your skin wherever you apply it. You can even consume lemon juice or orange juice on regular basis for much better results. So, try it and experience the magic.



Looking for glowing skin secret to Searching for a quick skin whitening tips at home to tone the skin color without spending much time and money? It’s got to be nothing else but the tomato juice facial mask. The juice of tomato is not only considered good for health but also is equally beneficial for the skin. Even if not mixed with any other ingredient, it works efficaciously alone.

Steps to follow-

All you need is some fresh red juicy tomatoes. Take one tomato of medium size and cut it into pieces and then blend it with the help of mixer or blender. Tomato facial mask is ready for use. Apply on the affected area either with a cotton ball or with your hands as you do massage. Leave it till the time it dries and then rinse it off with normal tap water.


The antioxidants present in tomatoes will also help you to preclude skin ageing issues like: wrinkles and fine lines. Acne marks and blemishes will also disappear with its effect.



A beauty secret from your kitchen! Turmeric is renowned all over the world since ages for its medicative properties, and is one of the effective skin lightening home remedies. In addition it is an amazing skin exfoliant which imbibes of magical power to brighten the skin and add glow to your face because of the antioxidants present in it.

To prepare a turmeric facial mask, you need the following ingredients in the given quantity: one teaspoon of gram Flour (besan), two teaspoons of sandal powder (chandan), little raw milk (which can add proper texture to the mask) and one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Now mix all of them so well that it turns out to be a smooth paste.

Steps to follow-

The facial mask for glowing skin secret is ready for use. Make sure that wherever you apply it, that part should be moistened (like a moistened face) else it will result in stretching of the skin and will be difficult to remove. Also, do not let it dry fully, once you have applied it. Keep using water or raw milk to massage on it to keep it little hydrated. Do the same for about 15 to 20 minutes and then clear it off with a normal tap water.


Don’t be surprised at the instant glow that you have achieved because it is bound to be there. After all, the ingredients that have been used are known to bestow unending beauty and grace. Apply this at least thrice in a week and undergo the magic. Within no time, you will look flawless.

Read more : How to remove tanning from face ?



Right from keeping a healthy tummy to glorifying the skin, Papaya has gained a lot of popularity in the world of beauty. It is one of the best solution to the question “how to lighten skin naturally?”All thanks to the presence of various enzymes in it among which Papaine is one of them, the most powerful one. It plays a significant role in agitating against free radicals which further helps in repairing the tanned skin due to sun exposure and treating ageing.

Steps to follow-

Depending on your choice, you can try any of the two ways: Either the raw papaya paste or the juice of it by grating and blending it. Now apply any of them for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water. Nothing can be simple and quick than this one, isn’t it?


The best part about this papaya facial mask is that it hardly takes any time to be prepared but give you an instant glow by toning your skin color and alleviating any sort of blemishes or dark spots. To add on, it also ameliorates the elasticity of your skin by enhancing the production of collagen in your skin. You are also advised to eat papaya regularly for a timeless healthy skin.



Another effective product in the skin lightening home remedies include aloe vera. One of the main reasons for a spotty skin tone is; hyper pigmentation. Aloe vera plant comprises of a compound called Aloesin which has the ability to facilitate the production of melanin in your skin and kick off the problem of hyper pigmentation by lightening and brightening your skin tone. The cooling properties of Aloe Vera rejuvenate the damaged tissues inside the skin and renew the new cells and this is the most crucial for a healthy good looking skin. It is one of the essential parts of the glowing skin secrets.

Steps to follow-

Cut one leaf of aloe vera plant nearby from the base. Wash it well so that the dirt is removed. Now take a small part of the leaf and cut its outer layer from one side so that you can hold from the other side and it does not slip. Massage the aloe vera gel in circular portion for about ten minutes and then leave it as it is for about half an hour. Once the time is up, rinse off with normal tap water. For quick and effective results, you can apply this twice in a day and continuous for two weeks. Other option could be to purchase aloe vera gel from the market, only if you do not have a plant nearby.


Do apply as advised and see the change. All the dark spots will lighten soon and you will have an even skin tone as well. It is one of the best skin whitening tips and is beneficial to whiten body skin. The antioxidant elements present in it will bestow you with a soft, shiny and smooth skin thereby adding grace to your persona.



Applying almond oil is essential part of the skin whitening tips at home. Almond is rich in all those factors which are required for a healthy skin and it is the most essential part of the glowing skin secrets, like: Vitamin E, B2, B6 and PP (also known as Niacin). It is also robust in minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. So, along with hair almond works wondrously on the skin too. It has the ability to lighten the pigmentation which further helps in imparting you with an even skin tone. It is one of the best skin lightening home remedies.

Steps to follow-

Pout some sweet almond oil in a bowl and warm it through the indirect means, like you can place it in the hot sun or place the bowl in hot water vessel. When turned lukewarm, remove it and get ready to apply. Now massage your face or neck on the portion of tanned skin in circular way for about ten to fifteen minutes. Then, in order to absorb the additional oil, softly press the tissue over the place where you have massaged it. And this is all. Replicate this activity every night before you go to sleep. Continue doing it for 15 days and experience the result and then gradually you can increase the gap.


If you apply the almond oil as per the given instructions, you will soon find all the blemishes, dark sports and unwanted marks disappear, which makes it the best skin lightening home remedy.  To add on, it also works efficaciously in hindering the skin ageing effects like fine lines and wrinkles. After all, this is what, that you have been trying since so long!



Seeking how to lighten skin naturally? Cucumber is the solution. The first thing that comes to your mind on reading cucumber is its cooling effect. Being loaded with ample amount of water, cucumber trusses the collagen within the skin and lends you with a soft and supple skin. The best part is that is suits all the types of skin so the chances of any sort of reaction or allergy after its use are minimal because exceptions are always there.

Steps to follow-

What you can do is to cut two normal slices of a cucumber and massage it on the face or other dark areas which you want to lighten and whiten the body skin. Doing it for ten minutes leave it to dry and then wash your face with little warm water. Do the same at least twice in a day regularly. If you wish, you can pull out the cucumber juice and mix lemon juice to it and apply the same. After 15 to 20 minutes, when it dries, rinse it off. Doing it once in a day is more than enough.


This is a successful home remedy and glowing  skin secrets over the sun tan skin as well as whiten body skin. Especially in summers, this is going to lend you with great relaxation. This is one of the best fast skin whitening tips to lighten skin naturally and whiten the body skin. You can even leave the slice on your closed eyes and enjoy its soothing effects.

These were some of the home remedies with glowing skin secrets that will help you to get a lighter skin tone speedily and whiten the body skin with no fallouts. In addition, they will solve your many other skin issues as well. So, the effort that you have put in along with your little time and forbearance is worth it and this you will only realize when you give a sincere try to any of the above given home remedies with glowing skin secrets. Though there are no adverse impacts of the natural blessings but as a word of precaution, in case if you feel irritation or itchiness by applying any of these, do wash it immediately because different types of skin are prone to different things. Something might suite you but the same thing might not suite the other.

Spare few minutes to comment and let us and others know about the choice that turned up to be your glowing skin secrets to whiten the body skin. You can also share if you have any other home remedies with glowing skin secrets with sure shot results.

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