Vegetarian Soup Recipe For Kids- Healthy And Tasty


The health of kids has always been the primary concern of mothers, and they can do anything to keep them healthy and happy. But when it comes to feeding them, it becomes quite a serious issue for mothers. including healthy foods in kids’ diet in the growing years is very crucial.  Tackling kids on the choice of healthy food is a tough task. Kids avoid healthy things and prefer to go with the taste of the tongue. Under no condition, the health of the kids can be ignored so being mothers it is important for you to be a kids’ chef too. Why not prepare healthy foods in such a style through which they instantly fall in love with and demands them again and again? Make sure, whatever you cook should also be well presented so that kids get attracted just by looking at their first sight. All you need is a little more effort. Here are some very healthy Vegetarian Soup Recipe exclusively for toddlers who are older than six months. The relevant advice of elders of the family and pediatrician has been taken for this. These fresh vegetarian soup recipes are loaded with lots of freshness and richness bestowed by nature. All these recipes use highly fresh fruits and veggies as their main ingredient. Toddlers learn to intake various tastes through these healthy soup which are not possible otherwise. Here are some easy Vegetarian Soup Recipe for kids


  1. Carrot & Beetroot Vegetable Soup

  • A Quantity of carrot = 1/4 cup properly washed, peeled and diced.
  • A Quantity of beetroot = 1/3 cup properly washed, peeled and diced.

Take a pressure cooker and fill it with about one-fourth cup of water. Add the chopped carrot and beetroot to it and flame it till the cooker releases three whistles. Once done, then blend it with the help of the blender. Use a soup strainer to strain the same. As per the requirement, add water if needed and then heat this soup again in a pan. Add a little salt for nice taste (optional). Carrot & Beetroot healthy Soup is ready to be served so serve it lukewarm. Your kids will love this Vegetable soup.

  1. Potato & Beetroot Vegetable Soup

  • Potato = somewhat less than 1/4 cup peeled, washed and finely diced
  • Beetroot = exactly 1/4 cup washed, peeled and finely diced

Take a pressure cooker and fill with 1/3 measuring cup of water. Wait till the cooker releases three to four whistles. Once it is done mash it well. You can even use a blender for the same purpose. If the consistency of the soup seems to be thick, add little water to it and serve it lukewarm once reheated. This is Yummy and energetic vegetable soup!

  1. Lentil Vegetarian Soup Recipe

  • Moong Daal = 2 tablespoons (filtered twice or thrice with running water)
  • Turmeric Powder = about a pinch

Take a pressure cooker and add the given quantity dal and turmeric powder to it. Wait till the cooker releases three whistles. Then open it and mash it thoroughly. Immediately strain the same with the help of the soup strainer. Reheat the soup and add water as per the consistency of the soup you wish to have. Serve the lukewarm soup. If you want, you can add salt. It is optional. Though ignoring salt will also be fine, in the case of toddlers. So, nothing to worry at all!

  1. Mixed Vegetable Soup Recipe

  • Cabbage = Lesser than 1/4 cup chopped and washed properly
  • Spinach = Three to four leaves thoroughly washed and chopped
  • Bottle Gourd = about 2 to 3 small pieces peeled, washed, seeds removed and diced
  • Carrot = 2 to 3 of small size properly washed, peeled and diced
  • Potato = 2 of small size finely washed, peeled and diced

All the veggies are highly rich regarding vitamins and minerals and prove to be very healthy. carrots are a rich source of antioxidants and benefit in teeth and gum health. To begin with… one-fourth cup of water-filled, take a pressure cooker and put all these veggies in it. Open after three whistles and then immediately blend in with the help of a blender. Like other soups, strain this as well with the soup strainer. Looking at the consistency, add water if needed and reheat it. Soup is ready to be served lukewarm. For a clear soup, avoid blending and only strain it. A creamy healthy soup that will make your kids fall in love every time they have!

I hope these recipes are easy and quick to be made and your kids will love them too… fingers crossed. So, don’t miss the good mood of your child and serve him/her with any of these healthy soup whenever he/she is in a mood to have. Also, consult your baby’s pediatrician before you go for any above given recipe because as already said every baby is different from the other, and so are the food habits. Hence, consultation is always better than medicines. Once your kids are habitual of these tasty healthy soup recipes, mothers can relax for their entire life. As and when they grow up, the taste of these  healthy soups can be amended by adding many more nutritious ingredients. It is just the initial stage which is a little challenging for mums.

Read More:- Struggling to find healthy food for your picky toddler? check out the best healthy foods for toddlers. 


Go through these TIPS before following any of the given Vegetable soup recipes:-

Everything has some dos and don’ts, and so are these. To make you a perfect mom we present you every bit of the things that you should take care of. There are certain very important points that you need to keep in mind before you prefer any of the above-given recipes and they are as follows:-

  • Prefer giving one type of food at on
  •  It is advisable to give each new taste each day for a complete week before going for the other one. In case you notice any awkward reaction of your toddler, instantly discontinue that food and do not do force eating.
  • In the beginning, you can give clear soup water that is without blending into a puree form. Later the puree can be given once they are little grown up. To add on, this clear soup can also be used instead of normal water as the base to make cereals for kids. This will highly energetic for them.
  • For little younger babies, you can use a fork to mash the veggie and fruits so that some soft pieces are also left, and the toddlers can enjoy eating and drinking both. This will make them learn the process of chewing too.
  • Though most of the veggies and fruits are healthy resulting in no problems as a parent it is strictly advised to ignore giving tomatoes, beans, berries, and peas to the toddlers.
  • Prefer organic fruits and veggies as much as possible and wash them thoroughly before use to avoid any chemical intake.
  • As per the advice of a Pediatrician, breastfeeding is mandatory for the first six months of the baby, and then you can continue it along with the correct complementary foods (ones advised by the doctor) till two years or more. Even the World Health Organization agrees with this.
  • The consistency of the soup should be perfect for spoon-feeding. Too thick or too fluid both won’t be appropriate. Initially, begin with five to six teaspoons of soups and slowly increase the spoons.
  • It is not always important that the thing that suits one child also suits the other. Meaning thereby, always see if there is an allergy or skin reaction to any particular thing, if yes, instantly discontinue the same. Hence, never make a comparison with other toddlers.
  • Never do force eating on toddlers. Understand this fact that it is better that they had something at least instead of splitting all of them through vomiting. Even small babies understand if their tummy is full or not so if they start ignoring eating like turning head, denying etc. then stop making them eat immediately. As a mother, learn even small signs of your toddlers as to what they want to say.
  • Under no condition, skin or seeds of the fruits should be ever given to the toddlers. They are not at all smart in swallowing and chewing.
  • As per the taste of your baby, you can prefer or ignore putting salt to the Vegatable soup.
  • Though pressure cooker has been used everywhere to steam fruits and veggies if you don’t have one, you can go for saucepan because it will also help you to steam them till they are soft. All you need is to cover the saucepan with a lid so that the process doesn’t take too long.

With hope, that all this stuff presenting yummiest vegetarian soup recipe for kids prove to be beneficial for you as a mother and works great for your cute little toddlers. these will be loved by your picky eaters. They turn up to be very healthy and active is our only wish. All the very best to all our new mums!

Read more:- Try easy to make vegetarian soups for freezing winter